
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

what is that you ask....well...lets just say it HURTS LIKE @&##!!!!!! Cohen decided to crawl under a gate that had only a half foot large opening. So immeditaly I knew I could not get him if he suceeded to get under. So I quickly lunged (stupid stupid stupid!) to get him. Resulting in this horrible pain...I thought the baby would drop right out. I could no longer walk or move.

So you ask, what did you do? I separated my symphysis bones I can no longer hardly walk, roll over in bed. I cant stand on one foot. But instead of getting better, its expected to get worse since the babies head is resting on it and he is getting bigger by the day.

Here is a photo of the lovely structure....(the bottom one circled is what is separated)


Simply Adorable

I recently took on the task of doing a photo shoot this past weekend. I had agreed way back before I had taken a break...but some issues popped up making it difficult. So we did it when he was 3 months old. Isn't he precious! Watching him made me SO excited to have mine...having a lil one that cant run from me all the time :)

Here are a few of my favorites. The next baby photos posted will be Baby Wieringa :)


Haute Mama :)

Aaron's cousin Kelsey is starting to get into photography....well she wanted some practice - so I offered to be the "model". Help her start her portfolio. I wasnt sure how I felt about a maternity shoot, but I will admit I really like the photos! She did so amazing, I would never have know this was her first photoshoot.

Thanks Kels! Cant wait for some photos with the baby when he comes!

This photo makes me laugh - he was kicking me SO hard and she caught a photo of it! Love it!

And this photo here ...haha. Aaron was being annoying and watching and I was being stupid - and of course Kels caught that on camera too. Ha. Too fun.