
Our "home" away from home

I know lots of you are curious what our condo looks like so here is a bunch of photos of our condo unit. Its a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 1,820 sq ft. The only thing with that though is they count exterior terraces with that.

Here is a floorplan of our unit.

Definitely not the cupboard space I have at home!
Dining rooms are outside...and if you notice the railing is NOT up to US codes. We stapled mess to it so my children down fall 3 stories.
Where the magic happens...haha...
Master bath...not very to give kids baths in but oh well it works.
I had to downsize on closet space. But you dont need much clothing here!Cohen's bedroom - the bottom of the bed pulls out into another bed, we pull it out half way so if he falls he at least lands on another bed. The beds are SO high.This was mine and Aaron's room for the first week. Crib is in this room, its kinda the office to. I am currently typing in this room :) Bottom right corner is a desk.The crib that was made f or Landen. Drawers are awesome in it! Why dont they do this in the states??Our view, not the greatest...but then again we arent out there that much.

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