
Well Jan 28 Cohen took his first steps! It was exciting, especially b/c I wanted to be there so bad. And I was! :) It kinda slaps you in the face for how quickly times flies. He is starting to walk, and his 1st birthday is quickly arriving. Where did it all go?? Life has been very busy in our household since January. I work 12-6 a couple times a week sitting an open house, and I am also taking a couple at Kendall at night. Some days I dont see Cohen for 2o some hours. That is hard. Aaron is in school one day a week, with hockey once a week. But I know if I am not busy now trying to figure out my photography, I may never. Life as a mom is a full time job. So the longer I wait, the harder it will be.
I have improved in the area of my photography! It has been fun learning. I hope to establish my own business, but I guess I am waiting for a little more practice. I do now my rates wont be expensive. Enough to cover cost and some of my time. (I cant do it all for free...sorry!)
Here are some photos I have taken for my portrait class. (of course Cohen is my model! Who else?)

Agh yes, the orange grainy photo. I didnt know what ISO ment. Lets just say I was taking photos with an ISO of 1600 (meaning the worst "film" possible!! In digital terms!)
Still grainy, but I liked that the snow was so white it wasnt even visible.
Oh he was mad. Cute photo though! Happens to be the ONLY photo we captured in the 2 sec. outside. It took longer to dress him then actual time spent outside. Haha.
I was to use Natural Lighting for this, no flash no lights. Turned out pretty good considering I have NEVER used the manual settings. Highly recommend learning. It makes photography that much more usable.

So as you can see, I do have a ways to go! But it is progress in the right direction.
Thanks Honey for being understanding as I am overloaded certian days with work, class, and life in general.
Oh, and in the time that it took me to write this blog, Cohen started to REALLY walk. I saw out of the corner of my eye...LOL, he went runnin from the office to the main entry. I couldnt believe what i was seeing. I laughed for a while. LOL.

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