
A quick update of photos....

The boys very first plane ride - went very well. Actually the plane ride so far has been the easiest part. Cohen asked today if we could go home...oh break my heart. I felt so bad.
All four of us - Landen is hiding under the cover though...

Cohen learning to jump in the pool. He has gotten better I will say!This is what we do all day - sleep, which is great b/c I am chasing Cohen that whole time.
People comment on how tired I make them by watching me.

Look how far away we are from the condo...and this was only half way to the water.

Aunt Heather playing soccer with Cohen - I think she is ready to kill him. They share a room and he is constantly hopping in bed with her and waking her up early. Lets just say she is ready to go home and dosnt want to come back this summer.
This is how far it is to the water - yes that is my sleeping baby in that stroller a LONG ways away. Dont worry even at 10am the beach is always this dead.

Here my precious is sleeping soundly :)
Until I have more I hope you enjoyed!

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